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Thiele, Graham, Michael Friedmann, Hugo Campos, Vivian Polar and Jeffery W. Bentley (Eds.) 2022 Root, Tuber and Banana Food System Innovations: Value Creation for Inclusive Outcomes. Cham: Springer.

Choquetopa Rodríguez, Bernabé 2021 Indicadores Naturales para Pronosticar el Tiempo en el Sur de Oruro, Bolivia. Editado por Jeffery Bentley. Cochabamba: Agro-Insight y la Fundación McKnight.

Andrade-Piedra, Jorge, Jeffery W. Bentley, Conny Almekinders, Kim Jacobsen, Stephen Walsh and Graham Thiele (eds.) 2016 Case Studies of Root, Tuber and Banana Seed Systems. CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB), Lima: RTB Working Paper no. 2016-03. ISSN 23098-6586. 244 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa and Mundie Salm 2016 A Passion for Video: 25 Stories about Making, Translating, Sharing and Using Videos on Farmer Innovations. Access Agriculture. Nairobi and CTA Wageningen. 56 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Keith L. Andrews 2011 Los Dos Saberes : La Sinergia Entre los Saberes Científicos y Locales: Un Diálogo entre Técnicos Agropecuarios y Productores para Mejorar la Extensión e Investigación en Guatemala. Guatemala,: IICA & CIDA. 212 pp.

Thiele, Graham., Carlos A. Quirós, Jacqueline Ashby, Guy Hareau, Emma Rotondo, Gastón López, Rodrigo Paz Ybarnegaray, Rolando Oros, Dora Arévalo, y J. Bentley (eds). 2011 Métodos participativos para la inclusión de los pequeños productores rurales en la innovación agropecuaria: Experiencias y alcances en la región andina 2007 - 2010 . Cambio Andino . Lima, Perú. 197 pp.

Van Mele, Paul, Jeffery W. Bentley & Robert Guéi 2011 African Seed Enterprises: Sowing the Seeds of Food Security. Wallingford, UK: CABI. 236 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Eric Boa 2007 Revealing Success: What Happened in Nine Applied Technology Innovation Projects (PITAs). Egham, UK: Global Plant Clinic, CABI.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Eric Boa 2007 Revelando Éxitos: Lo Que Sucedió en Nueve Proyectos de Innovación Tecnológica Aplicada (PITAs). Egham, RU: Clínica Global de Plantas, CABI.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Eric Boa (Eds.) 31 Hojas Volantes. Managua: Clínica Global de Plantas. 33 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Eric Boa (Eds.) 48 Nuevas Ideas para Agricultores Bolivianos . Cochabamba: Clínica Global de Plantas. 52 pp.


Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa, Paul Van Mele, Janny Vos 2003 Discovery through Diagnosis: A Manual of Practical Exercises and Pest Data Sheets to Promote Better Pest Management. Experiences from a Pilot Project in Bolivia . Egham , UK : CABI Bioscience.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa, Paul Van Mele, Janny Vos 2003 Descubrimiento a través del Diagnóstico: Un Manual de Ejercicios Prácticos y Hojas Volantes para Promover el Mejor Manejo de Plagas. Experiencias de un Proyecto Piloto en Bolivia. Egham, Inglaterra: CABI Bioscience.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2001. Diccionario Campesino Hondureño. Ceiba 42(2).


Bentley, Jeffery W. & P.S. Baker 2002 Manual for Collaborative Research with Smallholder Coffee Farmers. Egham, UK: CABI Commodities. 130 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & P.S. Baker 2002 Manual para la Investigación Colaborativa con Agricultores de Escasos Recursos. Egham, UK: CABI Commodities. 131 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 1992 Today There Is No Misery: The Ethnography of Farming in Northwest Portugal. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.




Bonifacio, Alejandro, Genaro Aroni, Milton Villca, and Jeffery W. Bentley 2023 “Recovering from Quinoa: Regenerative Agricultural Research in Bolivia.” Journal of Crop Improvement 37(5): 687-708.

Bentley, Jeffery, Paul Van Mele, Flora Chadare, and Mahesh Chander 2022 "Videos on Agroecology for a Global Audience of Farmers: An Online Survey of Access Agriculture." International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 20(6): 1100-1116.

Bentley, Jeffery, and Olivier Dangles 2021 Fact sheets on the potato tuber moth. McKnight Foundation, and Agro-Insight. La polilla de la papa. Manejo de la polilla de la papa. La polilla de la papa y la temperatura. Juego de roles, polilla de la papa.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Diego Naziri, Gordon Prain, Enoch Kikulwe, Sarah Mayanja, André Devaux, and Graham Thiele 2020 “Managing Complexity and Uncertainty in Agricultural Innovation through Adaptive Project Design and Implementation.” Development in Practice 31(2): 198-213.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Hemant Nitturkar, David Obisesan, Michael Friedmann, and Graham Thiele 2020 “Is There a Space for Medium-Sized Cassava Seed Growers in Nigeria?” Journal of Crop Improvement 34(6): 842-857.

Zoundji, Gérard C., Florent Okry, Simplice D. Vodouhê, Jeffery W. Bentley, and Loes Witteveen 2020 “Commercial Channels vs Free Distribution and Screening of Learning Videos: A Case Study from Benin and Mali.” Experimental Agriculture 56(4): 544-560.

Ortiz, Oscar, Graham Thiele, Rebecca Nelson, and Jeffery W. Bentley 2020 “Participatory Research (PR) at CIP with Potato Farming Systems in the Andes: Evolution and Prospects.” Chapter 13, pp 451-474. In Hugo Campos, and Oscar Ortiz (Eds.) The Potato Crop: Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to Humankind. Cham: Springer.

Wyckhuys, K.A.G., K.L. Heong, F. Sanchez-Bayo, F.J.J.A. Bianchi, J.G. Lundgren and J.W. Bentley 2019 “Ecological Illiteracy Can Deepen Farmers’ Pesticide Dependency.” Environmental Research Letters 14(9): 093004.

Bentley, Je?ery W., Paul Van Mele, Na?ssath Fousseni Barres, Florent Okry, and Jonas Wanvoeke 2019 “Smallholders Download and Share Videos from the Internet to Learn about Sustainable Agriculture.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability.

Bentley, J.W., J. Andrade-Piedra, P. Demo, B. Dzomeku, K. Jacobsen, E. Kikulwe, P. Kromann, P. L. Kumar, M. McEwan, N. Mudege, K. Ogero, R. Okechukwu, R. Orrego, B. Ospina, L. Sperling, S. Walsh, and G. Thiele 2018 “Understanding Root, Tuber, and Banana Seed Systems and Coordination Breakdown: A Multi-Stakeholder Framework.” Journal of Crop Improvement 32(5): 599-621.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Solveig Danielsen, Noah Phiri, Yakosa C. Tegha, Nixon Nyalugwe, Eduardo Neves, Eduardo Hidalgo, Abhishek Sharma, Vinod Pandit, and Dilli Ram Sharma 2018 "Farmer Responses to Technical Advice Offered at Plant Clinics in Malawi, Costa Rica and Nepal." International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 16(2): 187-200.

Zoundji, Gérard C., Florent Okry, Simplice D. Vodouhê, and Jeffery W. Bentley 2018 “Towards Sustainable Vegetable Growing with Farmer Learning Videos in Benin.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 16(1): 54-63.

Zoundji, Gérard C., Simplice D. Vodouhê, Florent Okry, Jeffery W. Bentley, and Rigobert C. Tossou 2017 “Beyond Striga Management: Learning Videos Enhanced Farmers’ Knowledge on Climate-Smart Agriculture in Mali.” Sustainable Agriculture Research 7(1): 80-92.

Bentley, Jeffery, Paul Van Mele, Sidi Touré, Tom van Mourik, Samuel Guindo, and Gérard Zoundji 2017 “Seeds of the Devil Weed: Local Knowledge and Learning from Videos in Mali,” pp 75-85. In Paul Sillitoe (Ed.) Indigenous Knowledge: Enhancing its Contribution to Natural Resources Management. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. 227 pp.


Wyckhuys, Kris, Jeffery Bentley, Rico Lie, Marjon Fredrix and Le Phuong Nghien 2017 “Maximizing Farm-Level Uptake and Diffusion of Biological Control Innovations in Today’s Digital Era.” BioControl.

Zoundji, Gérard C., Florent Okry, Simplice D. Vodoube, and Jeffery W. Bentley 2016 “The Distribution of Farmer Learning Videos: Lessons from Non-Conventional Dissemination Networks in Benin.” Cogent Food & Agriculture 2(1):1277838.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Paul Van Mele and Ronald K. Udedi 2016 “Shave, Haircut and a Video.” ICT Update 83.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2016 "Cardomom: A Crop Cannot Run Away from Its Problems". Outlooks on Pest Management. (February): 4-6.

Van Mele, Paul, Jeffery W. Bentley, Md. Harud-ar-Rashid, Florent Okry and Tom van Mourik 2016 “Letting Information Flow: Distributing Farmer Training Videos through Existing Networks.” Indian Journal of Ecology 43 (special issue 1): 545-551.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2015 “Flowers Watered with Beer.” Agriculture for Development 26:20.22.

Bentley, Jeffery W. Ataharul Chowdhury, and Soniia David, 2015 “Videos for Agricultural Extension.” Note 6. GFRAS Good Practice Note for Extension and Advisory Services.

Bentley, Jeffery & Paul Van Mele 2015 “Videos Inspire Farmers to Experiment.” Farming Matters 31.1

Bentley, Jeffery W., Paul Van Mele, Md. Harun-ar-Rashid, & Timothy J. Krupnik 2015 “ Distributing and Showing Farmer Learning Videos in Bangladesh .” The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. iFirst 1-19.

Bentley, Jeffery, Paul Van Mele, Florent Okry, & Espérance Zossou 2014 “ Videos that Speak for Themselves : When Non-Extensionists Show Agricultural Videos to Large Audiences.” Development in Practice 24(7):921–929.

Bentley, Jeffery, Paul Van Mele and Harun-ar-Rashid 2013 “The Story of a Video on Mechanical Seeders in Bangladesh : If We Are Convinced, We Will Buy It .” MEAS Case Study # 6.

Bentley, Jeff 2013 “Rice Advice Videos in Uganda.” FARMD

Jeffery Bentley, Paul Van Mele, and Grace Musimami 2013 “ The Mud on Their Legs– Farmer to Farmer Videos in Uganda.” MEAS Case Study # 3.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Eric Boa 2013 “ The Snowman Outline : Fact Sheets by Extensionists for Farmers.” Development in Practice 23(3):440-448.

Bentley, Jeffery W . & Peter Baker 2012 “Two Mind-Sets Manage Risk Better Than One: Clean Harvest in Colombia.” FARMD website. .

Jones, Andrew D., Yesmina Cruz Agudo, Lindsay Galway, Jeffery Bentley, & Per Pinstrup-Andersen 2012 “ Heavy Agricultural Workloads and Low Crop Diversity are Strong Barriers to Improving Child Feeding Practices in the Bolivian Andes.” Social Science & Medicine 75 (9):1673-1684.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Mike Robson, Bright B. Sibale, Edwin Nkhulungo, Yolice Tembo, Fransisca Munthali 2012 “ Travelling Companions : Emerging Diseases of People, Animals and Plants Along the Malawi-Mozambique Border.” Human Ecology 40(4):557-569.

Bentley, Jeffery W. , Graham Thiele, Rolando Oros & Claudio Velasco 2011 “Cinderella's Slipper: Sondeo Surveys and Technology Fairs for Gauging Demand,” pp. 276-301. In André Devaux, Miguel Ordinola & Douglas Horton (eds.) Innovation for Development : The Papa Andina Experience . 418 pp. Lima: International Potato Center. Originally published in 2004 as AgREN Network Paper No. 138.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Claudio Velasco, Félix Rodríguez, Rolando Oros, Rubén Botello, Morag Webb, André Devaux & Graham Thiele 2011 “Unspoken Demands for Farm Technology”. pp. 302-324. In André Devaux, Miguel Ordinola & Douglas Horton (eds.) Innovation for Development : The Papa Andina Experience . 418 pp. Lima: International Potato Center. Originally published in 2007 in International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 5(1):70-84.


Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa, Fredy Almendras, Pablo Franco, Olivia Antezana, Oscar Díaz, Javier Franco and Juan Villarroel 2011 “How Farmers Benefit from Plant Clinics: An Impact Study in Bolivia.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9(3):393-408.

Van Mele, Paul, Jeffery W. Bentley, Rosaline Maiga Dacko, Kalifa Yattara & George K. Acheampong 2011 “Attitude Counts: Engaging with Rice Farmers in West Africa.” Development in Practice 21(6):806-821.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Paul Van Mele 2011 “Sharing ideas between cultures with videos.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9(1): 258–263.

Jules Pretty, William J. Sutherland, Jacqueline Ashby, Jill Auburn, David Baulcombe, Michael Bell, Jeffrey Bentley, Sam Bickersteth, Katrina Brown, Jacob Burke, Hugh Campbell, Kevin Chen, Eve Crowley, Ian Crute, Dirk Dobbelaere, Gareth Edwards-Jones, Fernando Funes-Monzote, H. Charles J. Godfray, Michel Griffon, Phrek Gypmantisiri, Lawrence Haddad, Siosiua Halavatau, Hans Herren, Mark Holderness, Anne-Marie Izac, Monty Jones, Parviz Koohafkan, Rattan Lal, Timothy Lang, Jeffrey McNeely, Alexander Mueller, Nicholas Nisbett, Andrew Noble, Prabhu Pingali, Yvonne Pinto, Rudy Rabbinge, N. H. Ravindranath, Agnes Rola, Niels Roling, Colin Sage, William Settle, J. M. Sha, Luo Shiming, Tony Simons, Pete Smith, Kenneth Strzepeck, Harry Swaine, Eugene Terry, Thomas P. Tomich, Camilla Toulmin, Eduardo Trigo, Stephen Twomlow, Jan Kees Vis, Jeremy Wilson and Sarah Pilgrim 2010 “The top 100 questions of importance to the future of global agriculture” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 8(4):219–236.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Paul Van Mele & George K. Acheampong 2010 “Experimental by Nature: Rice Farmers in Ghana.” Human Organization 69(2):129-137.

Sherwood, Stephen and Jeffery W. Bentley 2009 “Katalysis: Helping Andean Farmers Adapt to Climate Change.” Participatory Learning and Action 60:65-75.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa, Solveig Danielsen, Pablo Franco, Olivia Antezana, Bertho Villarroel, Henry Rodríguez, Jhon Ferrrufino, Javier Franco, René Pereira, Jaime Herbas, Oscar Díaz, Vladimir Lino, Juan Villarroel, Fredy Almendras & Saúl Colque 2009 “Plant Health Clinics in Bolivia 2000-2009: Operations and Preliminary Results.” Food Security 1(3):371-386.

Bentley, Jeffery W., E.R. Boa, P. Kelly, M. Harun-Ar-Rashid, A.K.M. Rahman, F. Kabeere & J. Herbas 2009 “Ethnopathology: Local Knowledge of Plant Health Problems in Bangladesh, Uganda and Bolivia.” Plant Pathology 58(4):773-781.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2009 “At Last, a Way to Involve Smallholder Farmers in IPM Research.” Outlooks on Pest Management. 20(5):197-200.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2009 “The Right Message and Method.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 7(2):79–80.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2009 “How to Collaborate with Farmers on IPM Research.” Biocontrol News and Information 30(2):36N-38N.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2009 “Impact of IPM Extension for Smallholder Farmers in the Tropics,” pages 333-346. In Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and Impact, Rajinder Peshin and Ashok K. Dhawan (Eds). New York: Springer.

Bentley, Jeffery W., 2008 “Crop Diversity: Eat it or Lose it.” BBC Website.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Graham Thiele 2008 “On the Road to Change: Writing the History of Technologies in Bolivia.” Participatory Learning and Action 58(1):113-120.

Kelly, Paula, Jeffery W. Bentley, Harun-Ar-Rashid, A.K.M. Zakaria, M. Nuruzzamann 2008 “Plant Clinics Help Curb Pesticide Use in Bangladesh.” Pesticide News 81:16-17.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa, Solveig Danielsen & A.K.M. Zakaria 2007 “Plant Clinics for Healthy Crops,” Leisa Magazine 23(4):16-17. English I, English II, Español.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Oscar Barea, Sylvie Priou, Hermeregildo Equise, & Graham Thiele 2007 “Comparing Farmer Field Schools, Community Workshops, and Radio: Teaching Bolivian Farmers about Bacterial Wilt of Potato.” Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 14(3):45-61

Bentley, Jeffery W., Claudio Velasco, Félix Rodríguez, Rolando Oros, Rubén Botello, Morag Webb, Aandré Devaux & Graham Thiele 2007 “Unspoken Demands for Farm Technology”. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 5(1):70-84.

Bentley, J. & P. Baker 2006 “Comprendiendo y Obteniendo lo Máximo del Conocimiento Local de los Agricultores,” pp. 67-75. In J. Gonsalves, T. Becker, A. Braun, D. Campilan, H. de Chavez, E. Fajber, M. Kapiriri, J. Rivaca-Caminade & R. Vernooy (eds.) Investigación y Desarrollo Participativo para la Agricultura y el Manejo Sostenible de Recursos Naturales: Libro de Consulta. Tomo 1. Manila: CIP-Upward/IDRC.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2006 “ Folk Experiments .” Agriculture and Human Values 23(4).


Bentley, Jeffery W., Sylvie Priou, Pedro Aley, Javier Correa, Róger Torres, Hermeregildo Equise, José Luis Quiruchi & Oscar Barea 2006 “Method, Creativity and CIALs.International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 5(1):90-105.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Morag Webb, Silvio Nina & Salomón Pérez 2005 “Even Useful Weeds Are Pests: Ethnobotany in the Bolivian Andes .” International Journal of Pest Management 51(3):189-207.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Peter Baker 2005 “Understanding and Getting the Most from Farmers' Local Knowledge,” pp. 58-64. I n Julian Gonsalves, Thomas Becker, Ann Braun, Dindo Campilan, Hidelisa de Chavez, Elizabth Fajber, Monica Kapiriri, Joy Rivaca-Caminade & Ronnie Vernooy (eds.) Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management: A Sourcebook. Volume 1. Understanding Participatory Research and Development . Manila : CIP-Upward/IDRC . Available on-line at:

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Paul Van Mele 2005 “Creative Learning Methods,” pp. 63-76. In Paul Van Mele, Ahmad Salahuddin & Noel P. Magor (Eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh . Wallingford , UK : CABI and IRRI. 307 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. , Mostafa Nuruzzaman, Qazi Wadud Nawaz, Md. Rafiqul Haque 2005 “Picture Songs,” pp. 115-123. In P. Van Mele, Ahmad Salahuddin & Noel P. Magor (Eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh . Wallingford , UK : CABI and IRRI. 307 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. , Eric Boa, Percy Vilca & John Stonehouse 2004 “Triangulation with Técnicos: A Method for Rapid Assessment of Local Knowledge,” pp. 89-103. In Alan Bicker, Paul Sillitoe & Johan Pottier (eds.) Investigating Local Knowledge: New Directions, New Approaches . Aldershot , UK : Ashgate. 237 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Graham Thiele, Rolando Oros & Claudio Velasco 2004 “Cinderella’s Slipper: Sondeo Surveys and Technology Fairs for Gauging Demand.” London: ODI Agricultural Research & Extension Network (AgREN). Network Paper No.138.
Zapatilla de Cenicienta: Sondeos y Encuentros Tecnológicos para Medir Demanda.”

 Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa, Paul Van Mele, Juan Almanza, Daniel Vasquez & Steve Eguino 2004 “Going Public: A New Extension Method.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 1(2):108-123.

Bentley, Jeffery W., Eric Boa & John Stonehouse 2004 “Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador.” Human Ecology 32(2):241-270.

Bentley, Jeffery et al. 2003 "El Taller Comunitario y la Radio: Una Experiencia en Bolivia". LEISA: Revista de Agroecología. 19(1):42-45.
Short and to the Point: FFS, Community Workshops and Radio in Bolivia.”

Maître, Adrian, Jeffery W. Bentley & Martin Fischler 2003 “¿Qué Es Más Urgente, el Manejo Integrado de Plagas o el Manejo Sostenible de Suelos?” Quito: ASOCAM. Serie Debate No 1. 44 pp.

Bentley, Jeffery W. & Jorge Valencia 2003 “Learning about Trees in a Quechua-Speaking Andean Community in Bolivia,” pp. 69-134. In Paul Van Mele (ed.) Way Out of the Woods: Learning How to Manage Trees and Forests. Newbury, UK: CPL Press. 143 pp. Aprendiendo sobre Árboles en una Comunidad Andina de Habla Quechua en Bolivia.

Sims, Brian & Jeffery W. Bentley 2002 “Participatory Research: A Set of Tools but Not the Key to the Universe". Culture & Agriculture 24(1):34-41.

Bentley, Jeffery W. 2001 “Honduras,” pp. 979-990. In Melvin Ember & Carol R. Ember (eds.) Countries and their Cultures. New York: Macmillan Reference USA. 4 Vols. 2549 pp.


Boa, Eric, Jeffery W. Bentley & John Stonehouse 2001 “Standing on All Three Legs: The Técnico as a Cross-Cultural Occupational Group.” Economic Botany 55(3):363-369.


Bentley, Jeffery W., Robert Tripp & Roberto Delgado de la Flor 2001 “Liberalization of Peru’s Formal Seed Sector.” Agriculture and Human Values 18(3):319-331.


Bentley, Jeffery W. & Gonzalo Rodríguez 2001 “Honduran Folk Entomology.” Current Anthropology 42(2):285-301.


Boa, Eric & Jeffery W. Bentley 2001 Guía Práctica de Plagas y Enfermedades de Árboles Agrícolas en Bolivia Egham, UK: CABI. 28 pp.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 2000 “The Mothers, Fathers and Midwives of Invention” pp. 281-289. In Gabriele Stoll Natural Crop Protection in the Tropics: Letting Information Come to Life. Weikersheim, Germany: Margraf Verlag. 376 pp.


Bentley, Jeffery W. & Peter S. Baker 2000 “The Colombian Coffee Growers’ Federation: Organised, Successful Smallholder Farmers for 70 Years.” London: ODI Agricultural Research & Extension Network (AgREN). Network Paper No.100.


Bentley, Jeffery W. & Graham Thiele 1999 “Bibliography: Farmer Knowledge and Management of Crop Disease.” Agriculture and Human Values 16(1):75-81


Bentley, Jeffery W. & Daniel Vasques 1998 Summary, resumen en español:“The Seed Potato System in Bolivia: Organisational Growth and Missing Links.” London: ODI Agricultural Research & Extension Network (AgREN). Network Paper No. 85. 11 pp. Link to complete article.


Bentley, Jeffery W. & Robert J. O’Neil 1997 “On the Ethics of Biological Control of Insect Pests.Agriculture and Human Values 14(3):283-289.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1996 "The Stone Seas of Bolivia." Aboard (July August):61-64. Versión en español: “Las Mares de Piedra de Bolivia.”


Bentley, Jeffery W. & Keith L. Andrews 1996 Through the Roadblocks: IPM and Central American Smallholders. IIED Sustainable Agriculture Programme, Gatekeeper Series, No. 56. London: International Institute for Environment and Development. 18 pp.


Bentley, Jeffery W., Jairo Castaño-Zapata & Keith L. Andrews 1995 "World Integrated Pathogen and Pest Management and Sustainable Agriculture in the Developing World." Advances in Plant Pathology 11:247-280.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1994 "Stimulating Farmer Experiments in Non-Chemical Pest Control in Central America." In Ian Scoones & John Thompson (eds.) Beyond Farmer First: Rural People's Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice, pp. 147-150. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1994 "Facts, Fantasies and Failures of Farmer Participatory Research." Agriculture and Human Values 11(2&3):140-150.


Bentley, Jeffery W., Gonzalo Rodríguez & Ana González 1994 "Science and People: Honduran Campesinos and Natural Pest Control Inventions." Agriculture and Human Values 11(2&3):178-182.


Bentley, Jeffery W., Gonzalo Rodríguez & Ana González 1993 "Ciencia y Pueblo: Campesinos Hondureños y Control Natural de Plagas." In D. Buckles (ed.) Gorras y Sombreros: Caminos Hacia la Colaboración Entre Técnicos y Campesinos, pp. 69-75. México, D.F.: CIMMYT.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1992 "An Alcohol Trap for Capturing Vespids and Other Hymenoptera." Entomological News 103(3):86-88.


Bentley, Jeffery W. & Keith L. Andrews 1991 "Pests, Peasants and Publications: Anthropological and Entomological Views of an Integrated Pest Management Program for Small-Scale Honduran Farmers." Human Organization 50(2):113-124.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1991 "¿Qué Es Hielo? Percepciones de los Campesinos Hondureños Sobre Enfermedades del Frijol y Otros Cultivos." Interciencia 16(3):131-137.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1990 "Wouldn't You Like to Have All of Your Land in One Place: Land Fragmentation in Northwest Portugal." Human Ecology 18(1):51-79.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1990 "Conocimiento y Experimentos Espontáneos de Campesinos Hondureños Sobre el Maíz Muerto." Manejo Integrado de Plagas 17:16-26.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1989 "What Farmers Don't Know Can't Help Them: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Honduras." Agriculture and Human Values 6(3):25-31.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1987 "Economic and Ecological Approaches to Land Fragmentation: In Defense of a Much-Maligned Phenomenon." Annual Review of Anthropology 16:32-63.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1987 "Water Harvesting on the Papago Reservation: Experimental Agricultural Technology in the Guise of Development." Human Organization 46(2):141-146.


Bentley, Jeffery W. 1987 "Technical Change in a Northwest Parish." In Scott Pearson et al. (eds.) Portuguese Agriculture in Transition, pp. 167-186. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.